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Approved treatments for inherited EB

EB Clinet provides an overview of the approved treatment options for EB.

Please note that some therapies have only been approved in the USA or in the EU. The main purpose of this review is to give an overview of the treatments approved worldwide.


There are other drugs and therapies that are being investigated in clinical trials. Please check the Clinical Trials Database for information on ongoing trials.

Please be aware that the listed drugs might not be approved by every authority or medicines agency or refunded by the insurance system. Please check with your national authorities to get information on availability.

Current overview

Filsuvez®, developed by Chiesi (former Amryt) is a topical gel for the treatment of partial thickness wounds related to dystrophic (DEB) and junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa (JEB). Approved by: EMA (2022) & FDA (2023)

Learn more about Filsuvez® Gel

VYJUVEK® (beremagene geperpavec-svdt) (VYEJOO-VEK), developed by Krystal Biotech, is the first approved treatment to address the genetic cause of dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (DEB). Approved by: FDA (2023)

Learn more about VYJUVEK® Gel
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